Development of a mobile application for iOS, Android services - KITAPP

Applications for the Service Industry

KitApp studio is a software services company focused on mobile application development. We work with all business sectors, creating applications for iOS, Android and turnkey cross-platform solutions (React Native) hosted on Google Play Market and App Store.

What are the benefits of a mobile application for the service industry?

benefits of a mobile application

Want to sell your services more effectively? Give your customers the ability to place orders via a mobile app. This will give your business credibility, increase customer loyalty and help you take service quality to the next level. With the mobile app you can:

  • Automate customer service;
  • Simplify the manager’s job and reduce manpower requirements;
  • Improve service quality;
  • Track orders, income and expenses;
  • Optimise business processes;
  • Establish communication with the public; Find an individual approach to each customer;
  • Launch loyalty programmes;
  • Build and expand the base of loyal customers;
  • Gain new channels to promote your business;
  • Scale efficiently, expand service offerings;
  • Give customers more than the competition.

When developing an application, we analyse the target audience and business niche to create the right concept for your business. We work on a turnkey basis – from design to launch, support and promotion of a mobile product.

Types of mobile applications for the service industry

KitApp Studio develops mobile products for a wide range of services. You can order the creation of social media applications, entertainment, medical, cleaning, beauty, car service, repair, dry cleaning and many other areas.

Applications for Beauty Salons

Applications for beauty salons

Clients of beauty salons, barbershops, spas, hairdressers, manicurists and massage therapists enjoy using mobile applications.

Functionality for clients:

  • Service catalogue with descriptions, photos and prices, portfolio and schedule;
  • Online booking for a convenient date and time, reminders for upcoming visits;
  • Push notifications about promotions, discounts, bonuses and loyalty programmes;
  • Information about news, price changes and service updates, reviews about Masters;
  • Create a GPS route to the salon, feedback to the manager;
  • Customisable related products section in the online store;
  • Personal customer account with saved appointment history and purchases;
  • Interactive tools (online selection of manicures, hair colours, hairstyles, etc.)

For the salon:

  • Automated receipt and processing of bookings;
  • Statistics, staff service reports and service types;
  • Building a customer base with stored data and visit histories;
  • Shop area management.

A convenient and functional mobile application makes the salon more recognisable and desirable. The beauty industry audience appreciates a convenient, modern service and perceives a mobile application as an additional concern for customers.

Mobile application for the maintenance station service

Mobile application for service stations

In the car maintenance and repair sector, it is extremely important to actively interact with customers, stay in touch and respond quickly to customer requests. In case of a problem with the car, it is possible to order the service of a trusted car service through the installed mobile service station application – it is fast, easy and convenient. Functionality for the service station customer

  • Catalogue of services with descriptions and costs, online booking;
  • Car service cost calculator;
  • Reminders for oil changes, seasonal maintenance and other important scheduled operations;
  • Push notifications of news, discounts, promotions and rewards;
  • Shop section for ordering consumables, spare parts and accessories;
  • Loyalty programme tools;
  • User’s personal account with stored payment details and order history;
  • Feedback to the manager;
  • Information section: recommendations, references, emergency phone numbers.

For the company:

  • Automated application processing;
  • Reporting, statistics;
  • Customer base building;
  • Store settings management;
  • Setting loyalty programme parameters;
  • Personalised messaging.
Applications for dry-cleaning and laundry

Dry cleaning and laundry applications

Dry cleaners and laundries work with a large number of applications and require full automation of recording and these tasks are successfully solved by a mobile application. For the customer, it is an opportunity to place orders easily, and for the company, it is an opportunity to optimise processes, eliminate technical errors, keep records and increase work efficiency.

Functionality for customers:

  • Catalogue of services with description, price and search;
  • Fill in an application form, upload photos;
  • Call a technician at home;
  • Order for delivery;
  • Online payment;
  • Track progress;
  • Push notification of completion;
  • Personalised offers, news and promotions;
  • Loyalty programme tools;
  • Cost estimation on internal calculator;
  • User’s personal account with order history;
  • Customer service reviews;
  • Receipt generation and printing;
  • Location map;
  • Contact forms with a manager.

For the company:

  • Automated processing of applications;
  • Automatic registration of customers, orders and payments;
  • Statistical data on customers, services and periods;
  • Calculation of order dates;
  • Possibility of integration with the current accounting software.

A mobile application for dry cleaners and laundries attracts a new audience and increases the loyalty of existing customers. This is a great opportunity to build a base of regular customers who can easily purchase your services through the application.

Benefits of Mobile Apps for the Service Industry

Mobile App Development Stages for Service Industry


We examine the performance of the company, its business processes and the algorithm for fulfilling customer orders. We analyse the peculiarities of the target audience, their desires and needs. We observe similar applications of competitors to do our best to create a better product.

Terms of References and a Contract

Based on the results of the audit, we develop the structure of the mobile application, define the feature list and formulate the design requirements. We set all this out in detail in the terms of reference. Once the terms of reference have been approved, we sign a contract and start development.

UX/UI Design Development

The designer creates a unique, eye-catching interface that is easy to use. When developing the design, we adhere to the principles of UX / UI so that the application is not only beautiful, but also comfortable for the audience.


We carry out front-end and back-end development of the user part and the admin panel. If necessary, we synchronise the application with the website or accounting program using the API.


We test the finished product for bugs. We find the causes and fix the problems so that the application runs smoothly and without errors once it is launched.

Publication, Promotion and Support

We publish the application to the App Store and Play Market, optimise its page and prepare it for promotion, if desired. We launch advertising and other promotional methods. We provide technical support and release updates as required.


Estimation of Apps Development Cost

Creating an application for a beauty salon, dry cleaner or car service is a multi-stage process involving design, programming and product testing. The complexity of the work at each stage affects the cost of developing the application.

Structure and Functionality Structure and Functionality

The price depends on what set of options customers can use, what options are available to administrators, what sections the application consists of and whether an online payment function is, and integration with the site, etc.

Design Complexity Design Complexity

An acceptable option for starting in many niches is an inexpensive interface without complex elements. The exclusive design is more expensive, but it helps to stand out from the competitors, attracts and keeps the audience’s attention.

Android, iOS, or Cross-platform Android, iOS, or Cross-platform

The Apps development cost for services depends on the operating system. One hybrid cross-platform product on React Native will cost less than two separate applications for iOS and Android.

Promotion and Support Promotion and Support

If you want to entrust us with the application promotion and technical support, the cost of these services will be included in the project budget.

Order application development for the service industry

Do you want to develop your business, increase profits,
attract more target audience?
Mobile application will help you achieve these goals!

    Technical assignment:

    How to Order a Mobile Application for the Service Sector

    KitApp Studio is a big team of qualified specialists with a strong portfolio and great experience in mobile development. You can order an application of any complexity - from the simplest catalog service to the large-scale project for complete business automation.
    We Create Applications for All Types of Services

    We are not limited to certain areas and work with any type of service. We can create a mobile application for a tour operator or develop an application for a clinic, a studio, a workshop, a legal company, a translation agency, or real estate agency. Tell us about your business and together we will find out a concept for a mobile product useful for your customers and profitable for you.

    We work on a turnkey basis

    Contact us and you will get an application that is ready to go. We can take care of the full range of subsequent work, such as placement in the Google Play Market and App Store, technical support, bug fixes, updates, search engine optimisation and promotion. This will allow you to get the most out of the application in the near future.

    We guarantee the online payment security

    The online payment application is fully protected and users can safely store bank card details and provide personal information. Modern technology provides a high level of security in these matters.

    We offer favorable prices and meet deadlines

    We organise our teamwork properly, adequately assess the complexity of the project, do not miss deadlines and do not waste time. Such an approach allows us to optimise prices and make the most profitable offers to our clients.

    We can develop the application along with your business growth

    Are you planning to expand your service offering, implement a new strategic plan or enhance your corporate identity? The application evolves with your business. We can add new sections, complete the functionality and redesign if required. KitApp mobile development is flexible and scalable.

    Would you like to discuss your project, get some advice and share your ideas? We look forward to hearing from you by phone or via the form on the website. You can also fill in a brief to estimate the cost of developing the application.

    Fill in a brief


    The KitApp team has been working in mobile development since 2014. We have implemented over 50 successful projects for companies. Our showcases include mobile applications for online shops, taxis, freight transport, sports, medicine, education, etc.
    Development: cross platform
    Description: Mobile app for pizzeria.
    Terms: 1.5 months
    Development: Android, iOS
    Description: Mobile application for scanning vehicle VIN codes.
    Terms: 2 months
    Development: Android, iOS
    Description: Mobile application for tracking the release of new films.
    Terms: 1.5 months
    Development: Android, iOS
    Description: Mobile application for pet owners.
    Terms: 1.5 months
    Development: Android, iOS
    Description: Mobile application for university.
    Terms: 2 months


    MORE THAN 50
    Our studio has qualified and experienced developers: project managers, designers, front-end specialists, back-end developers, testers. Together we create functional mobile applications for iOS and Android.
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