Mobile application for passenger transport automation

date 06-02-24Read Time: 7 min

To be competitive in the passenger transportation business, it is necessary to ensure high-quality automation of work processes – from flight planning and booking to reporting and customer care. This is well understood by large transportation companies that have long since automated their business, but small carriers often hesitate – accepting reservations in messengers, keeping reports in Excel, and planning routes manually. Unnecessary manual work, time wasted, confusion, human error, inconvenience to dispatchers and passengers – it all slows down business growth and prevents the company from getting ahead of the competition.

Such problems can be solved with a simple step – ordering an app for passenger transportation. The mobile platform has several separate interfaces with corresponding functionality (for passengers, drivers, dispatchers, administrators), thanks to which it is provided:

  • Coordinated and synchronized work of the departments;
  • Quality interaction between the company and passengers;
  • modern customer service;
  • Automation of work processes, monitoring and reporting;
  • effective implementation of customer loyalty programs.

The team works more accurately and productively, spending less time on operational tasks. Customer confidence is strengthened and a base of repeat passengers is built. The operator minimizes manual activities and can focus on developing and scaling the business.

Dispatcher Interface

The dispatcher solves all work tasks in the application:

  • Manages flights;
  • Communicates with drivers and passengers;
  • Monitors transportation;
  • Plans routes, creates schedules;
  • Assigns drivers and vehicles to routes;
  • Tracks reservations and payments.

The app records all flight data – number of passengers, payment status, unbought seats, ticket orders and cancellations. When a request is received by phone, the dispatcher finds the desired flight in the app and quickly makes a reservation online. If this is not the first time a passenger has requested a reservation, the system automatically pulls their information. New passengers’ information is stored in the program and used for future bookings.

  • GPS. The dispatcher monitors the movement of the vehicle online. GPS monitoring in the application allows you to detect and correct deviations from the schedule in time.
  • The calendar is automatically filled according to the set schedule, if necessary, you can make and save any changes, copy, transfer, delete flights.
  • Documents. You can set up automatic generation of documents – tickets, receipts, statements, itineraries, etc.

Many operations are performed without human intervention or with just a few clicks, reducing the likelihood of errors, double bookings, confusion, and passenger or driver dissatisfaction. Data entered by the dispatcher is immediately updated in the driver and passenger interfaces, ensuring that everyone in the process has the most up-to-date information.

A user with administrator rights provides access to the company’s employees in accordance with their duties – distributes the workload between dispatchers and drivers, can control the actions of employees, monitor indicators and generate reports. This improves the quality of service and the efficiency of the company as a whole.

Passenger Interface

  • Profile. A registered user has access to a personal profile that contains all information about past and future trips, bookings and ticket purchases. Contact information, payment information, support history, and personal preferences are stored in the profile.
  • Search. Passengers can search and filter, specify time and date, find a suitable flight by itinerary and price, select a seat and make a reservation or purchase a ticket online with a single click.
  • Pay. For secure payments, the mobile application integrates with one or more acquiring services.
  • Ticket. The program generates a ticket that can be printed or used electronically via a QR code. Cancellation and refund functionality is built in accordance with airline policies.
  • Support. If necessary, the passenger can contact the dispatcher for consultation through a special form.
  • Notifications. The application sends push messages to the user – reminds about the trip, offers promotions and personalized discounts, informs about company news and accrued bonuses.

Before the trip, the passenger receives information about the trip – brand and number of the vehicle, exact time and place of boarding, schedule of stops and route. The user manages the booking independently, can create, cancel, edit without calling the dispatcher – this reduces the workload of the transport company’s staff.

Driver Interface

A separate interface is created for drivers – they have access to the necessary information about flights, routes, number of passengers, ticket payment status. The driver can quickly contact the dispatcher to clarify operational issues, in case of force majeure, press the alarm button and send a signal about the incident. The task of checking tickets and passengers is simplified. For quality coordination of the trip, the driver receives a detailed schedule of boarding and alighting points for each passenger.

If the route changes, a push notification is sent to the driver’s smartphone. The app’s features are useful for resolving various issues without conflict – for example, quickly contacting a passenger who is running late or resolving a dispute over a window seat. Automatic route creation and tracking helps the driver stay on schedule, avoid problematic situations, and work efficiently.

Overview of useful features of the Passenger Transportation application

Passenger Base

The application creates a single database of registered users with contact information, travel history, reservations and payments. The list can be sorted and filtered by specific parameters – for example, to highlight regular passengers or find inactive users. The database is used to send notifications as part of a loyalty program, personalize services, make attractive offers to customers, and return former passengers.

Book trips online

  • The number of phone calls is minimized, the majority of orders are made in the application;
  • Automatic e-ticketing simplifies boarding control;
  • Real-time synchronization of requests and system updates prevents double bookings;
  • Online payment in the application speeds up the purchase of a ticket and saves the passenger unnecessary hassle.

The passenger books a seat on the selected route in the app, the dispatcher and driver receive a corresponding request and see the payment status. Benefits of this functionality:

Flight Catalog

You can find the route you want in minutes – just select a destination, date range and convenient time. The application displays a list of available flights matching your request, along with prices. You can compare options, find the most convenient routes, combine search parameters. Full information is displayed on the screen of the selected flight:

  • Vehicle brand;
  • Cabin layout, seating arrangement;
  • Time and place of boarding;
  • Route specifics;
  • Availability of additional services (baggage, animal transportation, child seats, meals, etc.).

Reporting, Statistics

The application collects data about the carrier’s work and creates reports in various formats. For example, you can customize the collection of statistics by any parameters:

  • Number and duration of trips with distribution by date and time;
  • Workload and efficiency of drivers and dispatchers;
  • Application user activity;
  • Percentage of cancellations and returns;
  • Sales conversion.

These indicators make it possible to conduct analyses – to identify the most popular or least popular flights and dates, to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of promotions, to draw conclusions about the work of the company’s personnel. Such analysis is useful for improvement of service, marketing strategy and technical component of services, reorganization of personnel, formation of new areas of development.

Push Notifications

The app sends instant pop-up messages to the passenger’s screen about any significant events:

  • Reminds you of your next flight;
  • Invites you to participate in the promotion;
  • Informs you of available seats for the selected date;
  • Provides information about discounts and rewards;
  • Sends company news;
  • Introduces new airline services.

Integration with Third-Party Services

You can integrate the application with third-party services to ensure efficient operation:

  • Payment systems;
  • Carrier’s website;
  • Corporate CRM;
  • Ticket aggregators;
  • Internal accounting programs;
  • SMS, telephony.

API integration expands the possibilities for complex automation of the passenger transportation business.

How to order a mobile application for passenger transportation

If you own a passenger transportation company or promote the services of a transportation company, KitApp Studio invites you to cooperation. We develop mobile applications adapted to the individual needs of the transport company: we can offer both a simple budget tool for fast processing of online orders, and a complex integrated solution for full business automation. Send us a request using the form on the website – we will analyze the specifics of your company’s work, propose the optimal application concept and calculate the cost of development.

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