Proxy-enabled mobile application development - what you need to know

views 868date 06-10-23 Read Time: 5 min

When developing a mobile application, you can provide proxy support so that traffic does not go directly from the device to a remote server, but through an intermediate proxy server that masks the user’s data and makes their IP address anonymous. We provide several types of proxies:

  • Resident Proxies. Use residential ISP IP addresses associated with physical devices. Resident proxies are used when maximum security is required because each address mimics a real Internet user, does not look suspicious, and does not risk being banned.
  • ISP Proxy. This is a static type of resident proxy that is rented or purchased from ISPs. Unlike resident ISP proxies, they provide higher parsing speed, but are able to handle fewer concurrent requests, so they can be blocked when working on projects with complex architecture.
  • Server Proxies. IP addresses are issued by high-speed data centers for the performance of large-scale proxy-enabled applications. Server proxies are the optimal choice for projects that prioritize budget savings and maximum speed with less stringent security requirements, as these IPs are easier to identify than resident IPs.
  • Mobile Proxies. 3G/4G/5G mobile networks are used to connect to the Internet. Such proxies are a type of resident proxy, IP addresses are also difficult to trace, but they belong to end users of tablets and smartphones rather than the home Internet. They are used for projects that require interaction with mobile devices.

What proxy support solves in mobile development

  • Improve application performance by caching data and reducing server load.
  • Anonymity of user actions – the real IP is hidden, it is difficult to locate and access personal data.
  • Bypass geographic restrictions when access is blocked in certain regions.
  • Security by filtering and blocking unwanted traffic, and checking requests for compliance with established rules.
  • Additional features include: downloading content via proxy from mirror servers, tracking employee traffic in corporate applications, collecting data for traffic analysis, and more.

Stages of mobile application development with proxy support

Selecting a Proxy Provider

One of the most important conditions for the quality realization of a project is the correct choice of a proxy server. For this purpose, the developer turns to a proxy provider, which offers proxy servers and a set of related services. For example, the Bright Data provider offers a wide geographical coverage, works with millions of IP addresses of various types around the world, and provides high-quality technical support. The service offers a multifunctional control panel, documentation for developers, tools for integration with third-party resources. There is a fee for use, the cost depends on the list of services in the package, but this cost can be called a profitable investment in the development of the application.

Preparation Phase

The first stage of the project is a preliminary audit. The development team finds out what tasks the proxy can solve for the customer, who the application’s target audience is, why users need this functionality, and how the proxy is being used by competitors. Once the tasks are clearly outlined, it is necessary to understand exactly how users will interact with the proxy. Next, the type of proxy is selected, how it will be integrated into the application functionality, requirements for encryption, authentication, etc. are determined. This data provides a basis for selecting libraries and tools that can solve specific project tasks.

Proxy integration with mobile application

The next step is to design the architecture of the proxy-enabled application. The developer thinks through the architectural solution and, if necessary, creates a user interface with appropriate features in the preferences. Proxy support in a mobile application is implemented using specialized libraries and frameworks. The developer loads libraries into the project and adapts them to work with proxies.

If required by the technical specification, mechanisms for authorization and authentication of proxy users, data encryption on the way between the application and the proxy server are developed. To optimize performance, a strategy of data caching on the proxy side is developed. Appropriate security measures are implemented: mechanisms for protection against attacks, traffic filtering, access control, etc.

Testing, monitoring, support

A mandatory step is to check the fault system. For this purpose, test scenarios are created that reproduce typical algorithms of proxy usage in an application. Testing is performed using both automated tools and manual methods. After launching an application with proxy support, continuous monitoring and analysis of various parameters is performed: performance, traffic, requests and responses, server load, security parameters. If problem areas are detected, the developer finds and eliminates the causes, including as part of the next application updates.

What are the benefits of proxy support for a mobile application?

  • For Developers. Developers get effective tools to improve application performance, reduce server load, remove blocking and geographical restrictions, protect against dangerous traffic and attacks. Proxy provides extensive traffic monitoring and analysis capabilities, providing the basis for adjusting product development strategy.
  • For users. User data is protected from interception and unauthorized access, ensuring the privacy and anonymity of online visitors. Caching makes it possible to use the application with proxy support in case of unstable Internet. It does not matter where the user is geographically located – he can access the application from anywhere in the world.
  • For the customer. Speed, security, performance under heavy load – all this improves the user experience and makes the mobile application in demand and competitive, which is certainly beneficial for the customer who wants a product with broad prospects.

You can order professional mobile application development with proxy support in our KitApp studio. Contact us and get more useful information about such products.

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