Creating a mobile application for business 💲 Order a business app - KITAPP

Business application development

KitApp Studio develops mobile applications for business - effective tools for developing a company, increasing sales, optimising business processes, strengthening customer loyalty, promoting brands and solving many other business problems.

Business Application Development for Android and iOS

business application development

A mobile business application is now a necessity for any progressive company that wants to move with the times. Functionality, purpose and operation are unique to each project. But all business applications have one thing in common – they help you grow, expand your commercial potential and maximise your development opportunities.

Want to order a mobile application for your business? Simple solution, contact us! We want to help you. We make it happen:

  • Analysis of your business objectives;
  • Proposals to solve your problems;
  • Technical specifications with a detailed description of the project;
  • Develop a mobile application for Android, iOS or cross-platform.

How much does it cost to build a business application? The price depends on the complexity of the structure, design and functionality. Give us a call or send us an enquiry via our website and we will provide you with a commercial quote for developing an application for your business.

How can a mobile app help you grow your business?

Should you have a mobile business application developed? Does your business need one? Yes, if you want more business opportunities. We can find an effective solution for you: some businesses need an application for e-commerce, others for internal use.

applications for selling goods and services

Applications for selling goods and services

Most applications are online shops. Trading platforms are developed individually for the needs of the company. It is important what the product range is, what the target group is and what the competition is like. The application can be used to sell not only goods but also services. Applications for restaurants or cafes, delivery services, taxis, education, healthcare, fitness, travel agencies, sports clubs and entertainment venues are in demand. For business-to-business sales, app development services are also in demand in B2B e-commerce.

applications for solving corporate issues

Applications to solve business problems

The complexity of enterprise applications depends on the size and nature of the business. Mobile applications can be simple task schedulers for employees or complex CRM systems for automated coordination of business processes and customer management. We develop projects according to the individual needs of the company, the specific requirements of the business and the structure of the company. We provide the opportunity for the service to grow with the business and meet the needs of the business.

financial applications

Financial applications

Applications for the operation of banks and financial companies, corporate accounting and electronic wallet management. The main functionality is financial transactions, currency conversion and reporting.

applications for startups

Mobile applications for start-ups (MVP)

Supporting a start-up business requires a flexible approach, so business applications for start-ups can often change repeatedly. The first version has basic functionality with minimal development investment. You can then build updates based on the needs of an evolving business. This approach allows you to address key issues:

  • Start with minimal investment, get to market quickly;
  • Start working in practice from day one;
  • Communicate with the audience;
  • Get feedback, gather honest customer reviews;
  • Scale the application as your business grows.
application as an independent business

Mobile application as a standalone business

You can run the mobile application as a standalone business – come up with an original concept, commission development, run promotions, set up effective monetisation channels and get paid for it. The revenue source can be paid subscriptions, in-app purchases or advertising revenue.

You can monetize an application with unique functionality that is useful to a specific group of users. These include schedulers, directories, task managers, price aggregators, marketplaces and other applications that are sold as products to other companies and generate revenue for the owner.

The key is to find the right direction, where there is a real opportunity to promote the application and beat the competition. Then, with the right approach, a mobile product can become a profitable, promising business that works efficiently and autonomously.

Benefits of enterprise mobile applications

Benefits of apps for sales

Expanding the audience and building strong relations with customers

More advanced users, who appreciate the ergonomics of mobile tools and prefer them for everyday use, are potential customers. Once they have the application installed on their device, they are more likely to use that particular tool for online shopping rather than going to a competitor.

Customer reviews

Most apps have the ability to register and create a personal account, allowing businesses to collect and store users' contacts, send them messages, notify them of promotions, connect them to loyalty programmes and help them solve problems. In-app push notifications are proven to be much more effective than SMS or email. You can also answer users' questions directly through online chat.

Sales growth

An online store application is an automated tool for convenient selection of goods and quick purchases for users. Selling in such conditions is more accessible, convenient and efficient.

Analysis of customer needs

Communicating with users and collecting data about their actions allows you to better understand the needs of potential customers - what they are looking for, what they need, how to improve the service and how to attract new visitors.

It strengthens audience loyalty

Users are more likely to trust companies that take the digital direction and invest in creating convenient mobile services.

Successful promotion

A mobile application helps you to engage and expand your audience, increase sales and stay in touch with your customers. You get popularisation of the brand, product or company.


Business application development costs

How much does it cost to build a cross-platform application? This is one of the first questions we hear from our customers. The cost of developing an application is calculated individually after analysing the technical task and depends on many factors:

Application purpose Application purpose

What is the programme supposed to do, why was it created and how much does it affect the business?

Functional complexity Functional complexity

What options should be available to users, whether it is necessary to provide for further expansion and scaling of the product.

Design requirements Design requirements

Whether you need to use complex animated objects, 3D graphics or unique design elements.

Time of work Time of work

How quickly you need to implement the project, how many people need to be involved in the development.

Complex applications are created by a team of experienced specialists, each taking on a different type of work. The cost of such products is higher, but the investment pays off with a high quality result - the customer gets an application that helps them run a business and make a profit. But there is not always a need for significant cost. For many tasks, simple budget solutions with a minimum set of features will suffice. Which option do you need and how much will it cost to develop? Send us an enquiry and we will make a preliminary calculation and give you a quote.

Custom application development for business

Do you want to develop your business, increase profits,
attract more target audience?
Mobile application will help you achieve these goals!

    Technical assignment:

    What the financial application guarantees

    If you are considering where to outsource mobile application development for your business, contact the KitApp studio.
    Automation of a large number of operations

    The "bank in your pocket" can serve many users and process a huge amount of data at high speed.

    Reliable protection

    Advanced technologies ensure complete security of financial transactions for the company and each user.

    Start to Analytic

    The mobile application allows you to track financial performance, control income and expenses, and maintain accountability.

    Effective internal analysis

    The application will help you to obtain the required data sample at any time and generate a statistical report.

    24/7 service

    You can track transactions, user accounts and wallets at any time of the day, regardless of business hours.

    We look forward to receiving your applications, discussing the project and offering the best solution to realise your ideas. Working with experienced specialists, you will not only get a high quality application, but also a tool for business development and profit.

    Fill in a brief

    How to order the development of a business mobile application

    how to order application development

    KitApp studio develops mobile applications in Ukraine, Europe, USA and all over the world. Our clients are companies from various industries. Based on our many years of experience, we find an effective solution for each company, so that the application brings real practical benefits.

    What do you need to start developing mobile business applications? It would be best if you had a desire, an original idea and a team of good developers. If you would like a preliminary budget estimate, please provide us with the following information

    • The direction of the company,
    • The purpose of the application,
    • Functionality requirements,
    • Tasks you want the application to solve.

    We will analyse your business and competitors, assess the interests of your target audience and offer the best product to help you develop your business.

    We work from the ground up – from UX/UI design and prototyping to development and product testing. We also provide post-launch support on the App Store and Google Play to ensure timely updates and enhancements to the business application for iOS and Android. We invite you to a successful and productive collaboration!


    The KitApp team has been working in mobile development since 2014. We have implemented over 50 successful projects for companies. Our showcases include mobile applications for online shops, taxis, freight transport, sports, medicine, education, etc.
    Development: cross platform
    Description: Mobile app for pizzeria.
    Terms: 1.5 months
    Development: Android, iOS
    Description: Mobile application for scanning vehicle VIN codes.
    Terms: 2 months
    Development: Android, iOS
    Description: Mobile application for tracking the release of new films.
    Terms: 1.5 months
    Development: Android, iOS
    Description: Mobile application for pet owners.
    Terms: 1.5 months
    Development: Android, iOS
    Description: Mobile application for university.
    Terms: 2 months


    MORE THAN 50
    Our studio has qualified and experienced developers: project managers, designers, front-end specialists, back-end developers, testers. Together we create functional mobile applications for iOS and Android.
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