How to sell courses - mobile application for professionals

date 05-01-24Read Time: 8 min

Demand for educational products depends not only on their content, but also on their technical performance – how convenient the platform is to use, whether the service works smoothly, what options are available for taking lessons and checking knowledge. From this point of view, the best platform for online courses is a smartphone application – it is always available, allows learning in comfortable conditions, has a fast interface. In addition, the mobile format performs a powerful marketing function – it increases user engagement, helps to keep the attention of the audience, returns former students, implements loyalty programs and increases sales.

For which educational products is the mobile format appropriate?

The mobile application is a universal platform suitable for any product – courses, webinars, marathons, trainings. Different formats of lessons are available – text lectures, video recordings, online broadcasts, videoconferences, chats, podcasts, presentations, etc. There is no limit to the number of users, if necessary you can scale the project, increase the audience, connect new areas. Such flexibility and versatility makes mobile applications the best tool for selling services of coaches, trainers, experts of various industries, online schools.

Functionality of the application for selling courses

The mobile app for courses is a feature – rich platform that provides a wide range of capabilities for instructors, students, and administrators. Key features:

  • Student’s personal profile. Personal data, payment information, list of available courses, paid lessons, learning progress in different directions, test and homework results, personal suggestions, settings are stored in the cabinet.
  • Course catalog. The list provides full information about the structure, purpose, features of the training product, as well as its cost – full and discounted.
  • Tests. Tests are created by a teacher or administrator, the grade is automatically calculated and included in the statistics.
  • Multimedia. Any material – audio, video, photos, texts, documents, presentations – can be uploaded to the application.
  • Online broadcasting, videoconferencing. It is possible to conduct lessons online, connect the necessary number of users to the conference.
  • Screen demonstration. For better explanation of the material, the teacher demonstrates the screen content to the students in real time.
  • Certificate generation. At the end of the course, students receive electronic diplomas, certificates, automatically generated in corporate style.
  • Push notifications. Students receive pop-up notifications about various events – news, reminders, grades, new courses and lessons, chat messages, promotional offers, personalized recommendations. By connecting push notifications, you can easily bring back past learners, offer them new products.
  • Community. Create a separate section for students to communicate, discuss urgent issues, share experiences.
  • Interactive elements. Students are offered assignments with gamification elements – this option is especially useful for promoting children’s educational programs.
  • Homework control form. Students can submit their work and teachers can evaluate it.
  • Statistics. Each student can track his or her learning progress in a personal cabinet, view grades, and generate statistical reports. Teachers receive statistics and analysis for each student and for the whole group.
  • Offline access. This feature allows you to access lessons even if you are not connected to the Internet.
  • Reviews. For each training program you can leave reviews and ratings, the overall rating helps users to choose a course.
  • Online payment. The platform is integrated with secure payment services, allowing users to purchase courses directly within the application.
  • Administration panel. A user with administrator rights has full access to edit courses, generate statistics, work with the student base – all through a convenient admin panel.

Selling courses in an app – why is it profitable?


High level of automation creates convenient and comfortable conditions for effective learning. A student only needs to choose a course, and the rest is done automatically: online payment, creation of an individual study plan, reminders about new lessons, tests and calculation of points, accounting of grades in statistics. The mobile application “guides” the user from the first step to receiving a certificate, and each step is clear, convenient and effective for both the student and the teacher.


You can buy courses and study on your smartphone in any conditions, regardless of time and place. The application does not require access to a computer, logging on to the platform with a single click is hassle-free. These advantages are important for a modern person who is always in a hurry and has very little free time.

Flexibility and Scalability

The application can be customized for any format of the training program – add a special set of functions, unique structure, original design. During development, reserves are created for modernization and scaling of the application after launch – adding new sections, modules, courses, directions. At the same time, measures are taken to ensure that the application can easily withstand the loads associated with the growth of the audience.


Mobile development technologies make it possible to create an interactive community for close interaction between students and teachers under the control of an administrator. Video communication, chats, conferences, forums, tests, homework checking – all this allows users to be active participants in the educational process instead of being alone with learning materials.

Quickly launch new courses

Convenient admin panel allows you to update the training program, upload new courses, adjust the evaluation system in the shortest time and with minimal effort. The application functionality allows you to delete, add, edit content, course catalog, training materials, tests, prices. This makes the application a flexible tool that can be adapted to new educational products in the long term.

Statistics and Analysis

Automated evaluation and statistical reporting provides objective assessment, visualization of results, tracking of progress of each student individually and of the group as a whole. Detailed analysis of various parameters increases the efficiency of training and provides a wealth of valuable information for improving the educational product.

How do I promote courses in a mobile app?

We offer a step-by-step algorithm that can be used to quickly and effectively promote and sell educational products in the app.

  1. Analysis and Concept

Create a unique concept, analyze the target audience and the competition. Consider the real needs of potential students, adapt the functionality to the specifics of the curriculum. Avoid the most common mistakes made by your competitors.

  1. Elaboration

Design a user-friendly interface and a wide range of functionality. It should be comfortable, convenient and useful for everyone – students, teachers, administrators. These tasks should be entrusted to a team of experienced developers who know how to create modern educational platforms. It is important to take into account many nuances, consider all scenarios of application development and ensure high quality technical implementation.

  1. Promotion

The marketing strategy of each project is developed individually, but it is possible to highlight several effective techniques that will help attract users, expand the audience and increase sales:

  • Engage SMM, make maximum efforts to popularize the platform in social networks;
  • Launch contextual and targeted advertising;
  • Create and promote a landing page;
  • Promote the application in a personal expert blog;
  • Offer a trial period, demo version, free access to individual materials;
  • Develop a loyalty program – accumulation of bonuses, cash back, discounts, promotions;
  • Implement partnership programs with other platforms;
  • Launch a referral program to make it profitable for users to recommend the application to their friends.

Is there a need for an app if there is a web platform?

Many experts start promoting their educational products from websites and are hesitant to switch to a mobile format. There are various doubts – how will existing users perceive the mobile platform, will the transition be too complicated, and why waste time and money if there is a website and it is working successfully? In fact, a mobile application is not a substitute for a website. Both platforms can work in parallel and synchronously.

Integration via API ensures that the website and the application work in sync, so that users have access to all functions both on a smartphone and in the web version. Any area can be synchronized – course catalog, student database, tests, assessment results, statistics, online payments, etc. Another option is to implement an extended version of the learning platform in the app, which gives the audience even more useful features. You can also set up automatic transfer of information from the website – this will speed up the process of filling the app with content.

Developing an application is costly, but it is a worthwhile investment that will help you reach greater heights in business, scale your project, reach a wider audience, and reach new horizons in sales. If you are interested in such an idea, contact KitApp Studio for professional development and effective promotion of an educational application.

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