Mobile applications for online shops

Most people use mobile devices to make purchases online. This trend has been growing for a long time and will continue in the future. Successful sales depend on the company having a “shop in a smartphone”.
Creating a mobile application for an online store for iOS and Android solves many important business tasks and is suitable for selling any goods:
- Clothing,
- Technology and electronics,
- Cosmetics,
- Food products,
- Gifts, Furniture,
- Building materials.
Features of a mobile app for an online store
It doesn't matter what exactly and in what volumes you sell - the development of an E-commerce App is guaranteed to take your business to a new level. Online stores of any direction can take advantage of the benefits of automated online sales:

Ease of use
- High speed. Online store applications run many times faster than mobile versions of websites. Users appreciate fast photo loading, fast scrolling, responsive buttons and no freezing. At the same time, there is no limit to the number of products, and cloud optimisation ensures high speed for stores of any size.
- Comfortable user interface. We develop interface design based on UI/UX principles. The
- Easy product selection. The catalogue in online stores allows users to find the desired product from hundreds and thousands of offerings with just a few touches. Various tools are available to help – search, sort and filter product items.

Automated order processing
The user makes a purchase from the shopping basket, then the system automatically processes the order. There is a possibility of full automation, including online payment and tracking of delivery status – this solution is relevant for trading platforms with a large number of products.
Small online stores take orders through the shopping cart and then send them to the manager for processing. Each of these scenarios can be implemented in a mobile application.

Convenient store management
The system has a convenient configuration that allows you to perform the following actions with just a few touches via the administration panel:
- Add and remove products;
- Set prices and discounts;
- Change the category of products;
- Customise sections in the directory;
- Upload photos and videos;
- Create variable products with variable parameters;
- Moderate reviews;
- Publish descriptions and features;
- Manage other content.

Statistics, reporting, analysis
If you decide to order a mobile application for a shop, you will receive useful analytical tools to help you run your business. The application’s admin panel provides functions that allow you to collect and analyse order data and generate reports on financial indicators. It is possible to track the number of downloads and visitors, the number of orders, sales statistics, user engagement and behavioural factors.
This allows you to adjust your strategy, make changes to your product range, optimise your catalogue structure, address weaknesses and build on strengths.
Application creation steps
Let's take a closer look at the stages of application development. Our team carries out a full range of work:
It is important to provide the audience with an application that will compare favourably with competing products. We analyse the design, structure and functionality of similarly oriented programmes before drawing up the terms of reference. We take into account the mistakes made by competitors in order to give users more options.
When developing an application, we take into account business objectives and user needs. We make our own decisions about design and functionality, but we also take into account the trends that are relevant to a particular field.
TOR includes a detailed description of the structure, design, functionality and content of the mobile application. Every nuance is discussed in detail, agreed with the client and written into the terms of reference, so that no unforeseen situations arise during the development process.
We follow the principles of Material Design, work in the Android Studio integrated development environment, and ensure that the application strictly complies with Google's requirements.
We carry out front-end and back-end development, create an administration panel to manage the application. We inform the client about the intermediate results of the design, provide a way to control and track the progress of the project.
We check the operation of the program, identify errors, and promptly eliminate them. By the time of placement, we guarantee its well-coordinated work and the absence of failures. Our applications comply with the requirements of Google, so they are moderated without delay.

Cost of developing an application for an online store
How much does it cost to build an online store application? This is one of the first questions we receive from our clients. The cost of developing an application is calculated individually after analysing the requirements and depends on many factors:

What is the programme supposed to do, why was it created and how much does it affect the business?

What options should be available to users, whether it is necessary to provide for further expansion and scaling of the product.

Whether you need to use complex animated objects, 3D graphics or unique design elements.

How quickly you need to implement the project, how many people need to be involved in the development.
Order app creation
increase profits, attract more target audience?
The Android mobile app will help you achieve these goals!
Functionality of a mobile application for an online shop
We start the project only after a thorough preliminary analysis: we study competing products, the business niche and the characteristics of the target audience. This approach allows us to take into account specific nuances and create an application that will work for the result. During the analysis, we find the best solutions to ensure the success of the application.
From the initial concept discussion to the launch of the finished application on Google Play, all stages of work are carried out by a single team using the flexible Scrum development methodology. Expert planning ensures that project deadlines are met.
Extensive professional experience allows us to optimise the cost of developing a mobile application for Android. Using modern methods and technologies, we reduce the time needed to write a programme and create a high-quality product with a loyal pricing policy. This is one of the main advantages that distinguish us from our competitors.
We do not stop working with the customer after the application has gone live. We provide a full range of technical support, tracking bugs and fixing them quickly, responding to user requests regarding the application's performance.
Every mobile product requires regular updates - adding features, applying more modern solutions, improving the technical component. The application must always be up-to-date, effective and in tune with the times - our studio takes care of all this.
We are looking forward to your applications, we will be happy to discuss the project and offer the best solution for the implementation of your ideas. Working with experienced specialists, you will get not only a high quality Android application, but also a tool for business development and profit.
Fill in a briefProcess Automation and API Connectivity

Automatic pricing and stocking
For online stores, we can develop the ability to work automatically with a large volume of commodity items.
- Price calculation. The functionality of the mobile application allows you to set up automatic pricing based on exchange rate, selected margin or other factors.
- Loading products. Using the parser, we can automatically download a wide range of products and update the catalogue if necessary, without time-consuming manual operations.
- Stock availability. The system can track the quantity of each item in stock, so availability information is always up to date.
Admin panel and API
The store is managed through a convenient admin panel (dashboard). This tool allows you to perform any action with products, manage settings, process orders, work with content. The integration of a mobile application with an existing product accounting programme or website is done using the API. For example, we can synchronise a restaurant food delivery application with an existing automation system used in the establishment.

Communication with buyers
Application users can get feedback via online chat – ask a question, get advice or report a technical problem. For the provider, this is a great opportunity to respond quickly to requests and understand the current needs of the audience in order to improve the service.